
National Hand Washing Week

National Hand Washing Week

Did you know December is national hand washing week? We spoke with Valerie, our Infection Control Specialist and here is what she had to say:

Hand washing is the #1 way to prevent infection. Here are a few tips when it comes to hand washing:

1. Teaching kids at a young age to properly hand wash will make it a habit as they grow. Teach them to wash their hands as you sing ABC’s or Happy Birthday.
2. Wash after sneezing and coughing
3. Always wash after petting an animal
4. Wet, Soap, Scrub, Rinse, and Dry
5. Clean hands = Good Health
6. Use Warm Water
7. ALWAYS after using the bathroom
8. Getting home from school

While they’re many more tips those were just a few to keep in mind. Germs are ALL around you, be aware of your surroundings. Dirty hands can be scary! We want to prevent illness anyway we can and sadly only 5% of people wash their hands correctly. This time of the year comes with many colds and illnesses. Help protect yourself and those around you by WASHING YOUR HANDS. 😀

hand washing week poster

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